About 10 years ago, I walked into the Salvation Army Thrift Store on Mercury Blvd. in Hampton VA and saw this painting near the kitchenware.

An El Greco-esque black velvet incarnation of Isaac Hayes as Black Moses.

Indeed, a painting of a photo (this one).

So the above are photos of a painting of a photo--recording one of the better moments in thrift store iconography.
Now that Isaac Hayes has passed away that is a real collectible.
I have this! The house we bought had this in one of the rooms. I just can't part with it.
I've been trying to locate one of these that used to hang on the wall of my late grandfather's house about 28 years ago he passed away and I've never even seen a likeness of it until now his name was Tarry Lee Jr. He last lived in a row house in East Baltimore I'm just curious to now if maybe one of these here may have been the one from his if there may be any markings on either here that may be familiar or maybe a name on the back of it somewhere if any body wants to help me investigate a bit it would be more than worth a pretty penny to me if one of these actually was his copy if any one may be interested email me please tarrytavonleesr2@gmail.com
Commenting here as I goofed/misread a comment that wasaimed to get info from another commenter who said they had a painting like this.
Anyway, will post my reply just in case it's any use any time.
But anyone has such a painting or a lead to one, feel free to share.
My clueless reply:
Sorry to say this photo of the painting was as as close as I got to the painting itself. I had remembered the image as being from the Isaac Hayes record cover for his Black Moses LP, I think, and snapped a quick photo.
The thrift store, a Salvation Army (I think) on Mercury Boulevard in Hampton VA, has been closed for years. And I only happened to see the painting that one time I went by. It probably sold but no idea who bought it or when. That area has a lot of armed forces folks who start out from all over, maybe including Baltimore MD, and sometimes resettle home or elsewhere.
So, sorry to say I have neither painting not any clue where it is. There may be that one and others like it still out there to find, but this is the only one I happened to see.
I wish you luck finding it. Especially the particular one you remember.
But one stray notion is if you or anyone you know is good with drawing and such, you might try working up your version. Maybe starting first with a study of pencil on paper. Of for those with a knack with computers and art, try that path. Just an idea. Guessing the original was acrylic paint (not sure about that, other folks would know more) on what seemed to be black velvet.
Again, sorry not to have the painting. Good luck with your search.
I bought one of these at a garage sale in Indiana. Iv had it in my man cave for years, just never seen one like it before. Seems unique to me.
I painted one on black velvet stapled to plywood around 1975…it was stolen along time ago. My name is in the lower right hand corner. J. E. Ford.
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